
data pipe中文是什么意思

  • 数据管道



  • 例句与用法
  • With the rapid development of database technologies and the broad usage of database management systems , the data piped up more and more
  • A given usb device may have many endpoints , and the number of data pipes between the host and the device is the same as the number of endpoints on the device
  • In the case of the internet , where you have basically a data pipe and you can put relatively smart devices on it and relatively dumb devices on it , that is very , very important architecturally , and it basically allows a thousand flowers to blossom
  • The san makes it true that storage resources can be divided from servers , and can provide high performance data pipe with 100 mb / s and shared storage devices managed concentrically . this makes data access , backup and restore will not reduce performance of network largely
  • The san makes it true that storage resources can be divided from servers , and can provide high performance data pipe with 100 mb / s and shared storage devices managed concentrically . this makes data access , backup and restore will not reduce performance of network largely
  • The san makes it true that storage resources can be devided from servers , and can provide high performance data pipe with 100 mb / s and shared storage devices managed concentrically . this makes data access , backup and restore will not reduce performance of network largely . this removes people ? misgiving for bandwidth of network
  • 推荐英语阅读
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